It looks like art exhibit season is here, with all of the framing, delivering, shipping, printing of cards, and hanging that goes with it. I am pleased to have my work juried into three upcoming shows so far.
Tomorrow is the opening reception of the Art Is Community III juried regional show at the Old White Church in Bar Mills, Maine. Three of my still life pieces are hanging in this very special, local show.
On Monday, I will be shipping my September Still Life On Moss to the 20th Annual CPSA International Exhibition, at the Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center in Covington, Kentucky. This is my third year in a row being accepted into this show, which means I'll achieve signature status. Very excited about that!
Then, in another week, I'll deliver two pieces to the juried show of the New England Chapter of CPSA, at the Sharon Arts Center in New Hampshire.
The still life shown here (as yet untitled) is in the process of being varnished, and will be framed very soon for entry into yet another local juried show. I love the calm feeling of this piece... everything worn, and pale, and comfortable. The bottles were actually found under the floor of a good friend's barn, many years ago, by our boys. They were just doing what boys do: burrowing in the dirt, and finding treasures. They are almost sanded to a frosted surface, like sea glass. The shells, too, have that rough-tumbled quality, worn away, showing their layers, or encrusted with limpets. I'm counting on these charming qualities to help me come up with a suitable title. But, right now, I'm off to help prepare the exhibit space for tomorrow's opening!