One of my smaller pieces for the upcoming show, Cherries In A Teacup is one that I am planning to frame without glass. While at the CPSA exhibit and conference, I saw many colored pencil pieces finished with different varnishing processes and framed as an acrylic or oil painting would be, eliminating the need for mat and glass. I really liked the look of them, and the pastel board that I work on lends itself to these techniques. Out of a total of twenty five or so pieces in the solo exhibit, five or six will be done this way. The process still feels very new to me, so is requiring a lot of care and patience... plus I'm just realizing that choosing frames will be very different, since I'm so accustomed to having that buffer of white mat in there.
Come to the show and see how it all turns out!
(10.5"x6", colored pencil on Pastelbord)