This little portrait of my grand-daughter was a long time coming.
First, it took a long time to get some good photo reference, even though I had taken plenty of pictures of her every time we were together. The thing is, I have some criteria for my portraits. I want the pose and facial expression to be relaxed, calm, and contented... as if the subject sat comfortably with me as I worked on their portrait. (Even though I actually use my photos for reference.) My feeling is that the resulting portrait is one that will be enjoyed with that same contentedness by its viewers.
But, whenever Audrey spied the camera, she would make a funny face. So, although we had a lot of fun, those needed reference photos eluded me for months. I finally got some I liked, and began drawing... oh, back in August, I think. I finished it just in time to give to my son and daughter-in-law for Christmas. Granted, there was a lot going on in my life during that time, but still, that is a long time for a little portrait. I keep comparing it in my mind to a slow-cooked meal. I suppose it's o.k. to be a crock-pot once in a while. Who knows, maybe I'll be a pressure cooker one day!
(6x9", colored pencil on Pastelbord)
Wow! I can see how this would take forever! And sometimes smaller is harder too. Looks great. :-)
Hi Jenn! It really only took forever because I worked on it in between lots of other things. Also, I occasionally had to hide it away to keep it a surprise!
Congratulations on finally getting such a fantastic pose. What a great mouth to get to draw and wow - what a fabulous job on her lovely hair!!!! This is such a wonderful portrait. I am sure her parents are thrilled!
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