What a wonderful weekend!
My husband and I drove down to Newport for the gallery opening on Saturday. The ride itself was beautiful, the entire route lined by the nicest display of autumn oak foliage I have ever seen. I'm not kidding! It was really striking... gold, bronze, ochre, rust, mahogany, burgundy... all with that polished leather sheen that oak leaves have. Fantastic!
Then, at the gallery, I discover that my still life entry, "Water Plus Sunshine", has won the Juror's Choice Award! Here's what she had to say:
Juror's Comments:
Juror's Choice:
"Water Plus Sunshine"
Elizabeth Patterson
Red and green; two colors I would never attempt to use together, they are complimentary colors that do not always seem compatible. Think about how hard it is to find nice Christmas paper that uses red and green! This drawing balances these two colors and their many nuances beautifully. I think the composition is very strong and I particularly like the unusual perspective. Once again, I am struck by how the use of colored pencil is different between the still life objects and the table top. The presentation is simple, clean and strong.I am so appreciative of receiving this recognition, and reading in Ms. Touhey's comments that some of the things I was excited to share through this piece actually came across. I can't help but wonder sometimes if what I'm seeing and feeling in the process of drawing or painting is just "me", or if others will get it too. That's the real prize!
The gallery was pretty packed, and it was great to spend some time with the other artists of the group. I'm enjoying getting to know them and marveling at all of their different styles and techniques!